Weight Loss Orlando / Winter Park - Medi-Weightloss Clinic

Weight Loss Orlando / Winter Park - Medi-Weightloss Clinic

Medi-Weightloss offers a 3 phase, medically supervised weight loss program which consists of individual consultation, prescription appetite suppressants, injections, supplements, dietary changes, and moderate exercise, along with guidance and support

Most weight loss experts believe that an effective weight loss program is one that addresses diet, physical activity, and behavioral issues - this is the type of program Medi-Weightloss Clinics® has to offer.

The Medi-Weightloss Clinics® Program offers a three-phase, medically supervised program which consists of individual consultation, prescription appetite suppressant, injections, supplements, dietary changes, and moderate exercise, along with guidance and support throughout the phases.

Phase I: Acute Weight Loss Phase

The Medi-Weightloss Clinics® program starts with an initial visit to assess your current health. This consultation includes a comprehensive blood panel, blood pressure reading, EKG, weight and body fat index, and individualized consultation with a member of our wellness team to assess your weight loss goals. After your initial visit, our team of medical professionals will meet with you on a weekly basis to help you reach your goal weight as quickly and safely as possible.

Phase II: Short Term Maintenance Phase

Congratulations! You have reached your goal weight. During this phase you will continue your weekly consultations with our medical team. Our team will provide step-by-step assistance as you gradually increase your daily calorie intake and energy expenditure to a comfort level and learn tools and techniques to maintain your new weight.

Phase III: Wellness Phase

Research has indicated that 9 out of 10 people who have lost weight through any weight loss program will regain the weight if not participating in a long-term wellness program. Medi-Weightloss Clinics® is dedicated to helping you succeed for life. Because of this, Medi-Weightloss Clinics® is constantly enhancing our wellness program. We are dedicated to providing you on-going support and resources to not only maintain your weight loss, but to live a life of optimal wellness.

Initial Visit

Initial assessment
Comprehensive blood panel
Blood pressure
Weight & body fat index
Individual exercise regimen
B-6 & other injections
Appetite suppressant (if prescribed)
Fat burner supplement
Colon cleanser
Starter kit
Weekly Visits

Blood pressure
Weight & body fat index
Appetite suppressant (if prescribed)
Weekly injection

Address & Contact
Street: 1234 W Fairbanks Avenue
City: Winter Park
State: FL
Zip: 32789
Phone: 407-673-5555
Category: Health/medical/pharmacy
Map & Directions
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